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Patras, Frédéric (2001). La Pensée mathématique contemporaine. Science, histoire et société Series, P.U.F. (2nd edition: 2002).
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Patras, Frédéric (2009). Hermann Weyl : Science et humanisme au XXième Siècle. In: Ch. Alunni, M. Castellana, D. Ria and A. Rossi (eds.), A. Einstein and H. Weyl 1955-2005, Barbieri Selavggi Editori and Editions rue d’Ulm, Paris, pp.175-193.
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Schiemer, Georg (2010). Fraenkel’s axiom of restriction: axiom choice, intended models, and categoricity. In B. Löwe and T. Müller (eds.), Philosophy of Mathematics: Sociological Aspects and Mathematical Practice, College Publications, London.
Schiemer, Georg (2012a). Carnap on extremal axioms, ‘completeness of the models’, and categoricity, The Review of Symbolic Logic, (2012), 5(4), pp. 613-641.
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Schiemer, Georg (2013). Carnap’s early semantics, Erkenntnis, 78(3), pp.487-522.
Schiemer, Georg (2014a). Invariants and mathematical structuralism, Philosophia Mathematica, 22 (1), pp. 70-107.
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Schiemer, Georg with Norbert Gratzl (2016). The epsilon-reconstruction of theories and scientific structuralism, Erkenntnis, 81 (2), pp. 407-432.
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Wagner, Pierre (2002). Carnap et la logique de la science. In: P. Wagner (ed.), Les Philosophes et la science, Gallimard, Paris, pp. 246-298.
Wagner, Pierre (2006). Carnap et le concept d’application. Qu’est-ce qui est appliqué et à quoi cela l’est-il ? In: J. Bouveresse and P. Wagner (eds.), Mathématiques et experience. L’empirisme logique à l’épreuve , 1918-1940, Odile Jacob, Paris, pp. 119-150.
Wagner, Pierre (2009). The Analysis of Philosophy in Logical Syntax: Carnap’s Critique and His Attempt at a Reconstruction. In P. Wagner (ed.), Carnap’s Logical Syntax of Language, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, History of Analytic Philosophy Series, pp. 184-202.
Wagner, Pierre (2012). Natural Languages, Logical Language Systems, and Explication. In: P. Wagner (ed.), Carnap’s Ideal of Explication and Naturalism. Logic, Metalogic, and Wissenschaftslogik, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, History of Analytic Philosophy Series.
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