Centre Gilles GASTON GRANGER (UMR 7304), Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS
(co-director of the INTEREPISTEME PICS Project) is a CNRS tenured-track researcher affiliated to CEPERC. She has published on the epistemology of the Peano School (Peano, Padoa, Vailati, and Bettazzi in particular) and its reception in France (through Louis Rougier, for example), and on Gödel’s philosophy and its relation to the tradition of Leibniz, Bolzano and Peano. Developing a line of research at the border between philosophy and history of mathematics, she has investigated some forms of protostructuralism (Grassmann, Peano), the notion of ideal element in mathematics (Hilbert, Weyl, Hölder) and its relation to Neokantianism and to the Leibnizian tradition.
is Assistant Professor in Mathematics at the Science Faculty of the University of Aix Marseille and member of CEPERC. She is an expert in the History of Mathematics, and especially in 17th century projective geometry. She is particularly interested in the relations between algebra and geometry, and between Desargues’ projective geometry and Leibniz’s characteristic geometry, two traditions that strongly influenced the Peano School.
is Assistant Professor at the Science Faculty of the University of Aix Marseille and member of CEPERC, where he develops his interdisciplinary skills both in teaching and research, thanks to his education in mathematics, physics and philosophy. His main interests concern Leibnizianism, Neo-Kantianism (Weyl, Cassirer), and Vienna Circle Philosophy (Gödel), with special attention to physics, relativity theory and the nature of space.
a temporary teacher in History and Philosophy of Science at CEPERC, has investigated logical empiricism, thanks to a one-year grant at the Vienna Circle Institute, and the philosophy of science in France at the turn of the century, with special attention to the epistemological development of the Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale.
Gabriella CROCCO
is full professor in Philosophy at Ceperc, where she directed a research project on the influence of Leibnizian issues in Gödel’s work (2009-2013). She also published on the philosophical implications of structuralism on philosophy and logic, on Carnap’s philosophy of mathematics, and on French epistemology. She is among the promoters and actual teachers of the interdisciplinary BA and MA study programs in Sciences and Humanities and in History and Philosophy of Exact Sciences coordinated by Ceperc.
has recently obtained her PhD in Philosophy of Science at CEPERC, investigating the relation between philosophy and science in the writings by Gilles Gaston Granger. She investigated Granger’s criticism to Platonism and Constructivism in Philosophy of mathematics as well as his remarks on the demarcation of logic from mathematics.
is a PhD student writing a thesis on measurement problems in physics, mainly through the works of Duhem, Bridgman, Reichenbach and Hempel, and on the concept of “principle of coordination”. He is interested in comparing different ways in which axiomatization of physical theories was understood by contributors to the RMM (Poincaré, Abel Rey, Duhem, Couturat), members of the VC and contributors to Erkenntnis (Reichenbach, Carnap, Hempel).
Bertrand GRANIER
is a PhD student writing a thesis on category theory as a possible foundation for mathematics. He is interested in the development of mathematical structuralism and in the comparison of different axiomatic ways to ground set theory in category theory.
Igor LY
is Assistant Professor in Philosophy at CEPERC and an expert of Poincaré’s philosophy, mathematics and physics. In particular, he investigated Poincaré’s notions of generality, analiticity and space, and his reception of contemporary epistemological theories.
is a PhD student writing a thesis on Dag Prawitz’s new theory of grounds and more generally on constructivist approaches to logic and mathematics. He is particularly interested in epistemic objectivity, in the criticism of psychologism in logic and mathematics, and in the relation between logicism and constructivism.
full professor in Philosophy and Director of CEPERC, investigated the philosophical notion of tolerance and its relations to skepticism, deism, empiricism and British political thought, developing an interest in the notion of logical tolerance and in the influence of Kant on formal logic.
has recently obtained his PhD in Philosophy of Mathematics at CEPERC, investigating the relation between the Fregean version of logicism and some formalist or proto-structuralist versions of mathematics, as well as the debate between Peano and Frege on definitions. He is interested in the analysis of different varieties of logicism, and in the epistemology of the Vienna Circle (in particular Hahn, Schlick, Carnap and the reaction to Wittgenstein’s Tractatus).